Melissa Bromley Ministries encourages women in their true worth. By educating on the realities of abuse and revictimization, I can help equip churches with the tools to handle domestic abuse within their congregations.

Hi, I'm Melissa, and I am one of "those" women.
Are you one of "those" women?
The women who feel marred by the stigma of divorce, abandonment, infidelity, abuse, or brokenness? The women who feel that they can't quite find their place within the church walls — either due to their own insecurities or by way of unfair judgments placed upon them? Sister, I understand! After growing up in a dysfunctional home, with no sense of healthy or normal, I knowingly entered marriage with an addict. He ultimately chose drugs over family life, while I was pregnant with our first and only child. He then moved 3000 miles away to pursue that lifestyle full force. I was left to pick up the pieces and raise our daughter on my own. As a Christian, I was determined that I would not settle for anything less than a godly man the next time around; someone who would be a good father to my daughter. When she was 10 years old, I thought I had married the Christian man of my dreams. He had seemed like a godsend through almost 6 years of friendship. However, those dreams quickly shattered, when I found myself in a toxic and rage-filled environment, upon moving in with him. The man I married not only inflicted harm on me, but he also showed no remorse when doing so. I was completely devastated and confused. Unable to find the proper help or guidance within the church, I journaled my pain, and sought the Lord through my tears.
One tear-filled evening, in the winter of 2016, I decided to start a Facebook blog. I called it "She is Clothed with Strength and Dignity" because, in the depths of my agony and humiliation, I knew that God would clothe me with HIS garments of strength and dignity so that I could stand tall. I shared authentically, as I navigated my eventual second divorce, and my blog grew in leaps and bounds. My honest and imperfect journey of healing resonated with many others worldwide. God had a purpose for my pain. It is through discovering this purpose that I have found my voice. I am using that voice to help give other women who've found themselves in similar situations, their voice, as well. My mission is to provide resources, remind women of their true worth and value in the eyes of God, and empower them not to remain oppressed, but to seek peace, healing, and freedom. My vision has been to take this mission to the churches so that God's people can become educated on domestic abuse, and the harm that is done to both women and men when not handled properly. When abusive behavior is enabled and excused, nobody wins, and no one is helped.
In my spare time, I love to adventure and explore with my daughter Ava. We love traveling and road trips, hiking, kayaking, riding horses, rodeos, and hosting foreign exchange students. I also enjoy reading, listening to praise and worship music, coffee shops, photography, and spending time with my furbabies. I look forward to connecting with you, as I share through my blog and podcast, and we reach more people in need of this message. Please come alongside me in prayer as I ask for God's hand to be upon this ministry. May He continue to lead, provide, connect, and open doors!
God is so very good!